Saturday 12 April 2014

a brief mention of form, counterpoint, technology and fred ho


is something I am having trouble picturing for works over the 10 minute mark. I know that thinking/planning music in terms of time is problematic, but in the case of the piece I am writing now I really want to have a secure structure, as most music I write is through-composed, and this is the time to break out of my comfort zone.

Speaking of which, I am going to spend the better part of the Easter Break reading about Species Counterpoint. Old fashioned, I know, but I feel like knowing the rules will give me a better sense of security. I mean, I love being able to write whatever so long as I can justify it, but I think that understanding these old rules will give me a better understanding of how everything pieces together (especially as now I am writing for bigger ensembles!)

Last year I started a collaboration with the Queensland Ballet. As of last week I decided to scrap everything I had written since then and start again. Stupid, I know, but I feel the new direction is much more achievable and feels a lot more intuitive to the way I usually write.

This first term of uni has been all about putting myself into situations where I don't know anything. I am taking THREE mutech courses. Learning pro-tools and ableton simultaneously is quite confusing - i don't even know how to work a smartphone - I am as technologically literate as my grandmother. I have also gone vegan for 2 months (but now am just a vegetarian who tries to walk as lightly on the earth as possible..perhaps I will elaborate on this later).

I'd like to leave you with these

Fred Ho passed away today.
rest in peace & thankyou for the music.

To see a person of Asian heritage in a western culture write politically charged music (as well as have the best personal style) has been hugely inspiring for me, and I feel like I resonate with alot of his ideas, so thankyou.  


oohhhh also

i know i want to make this space something regular because I am learning so much it would be really good to document this for future reference. obviously my growth is not going to be linear but being able to have this space make some sense of the chaos will be comforting.  i keep writing down thoughts and then deleting them because they are not eloquent or witty or well phrased but now i don't really care :)

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